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CV - The Gaming Department
Art pieces/Exhibitions
2020 At your service, Museum of contemporary art Roskilde, DK
2019 Captain Veal Boy presents: Spaceløga, OXER, DK
2018 Finally, We are Wizards!, Odense International Filmfestival, DK
2018 Whispering Dishes, Spirefestival, DK
2018 Loot Cube, Organon, DK
2017 Clematis Vitalba and the Absent Host, Conceptual Grazing, DK
2017 The Savage Net (Comic), Conceptual Grazing, DK
2017 Hermitage, Primer, DK
2017 Vreality, Odense Havnekulturfestival, DK
2015 The Gaming Department (Exhibition), FAA, DK
2015 Monolith, Helt væk, DK
2014 Ultima Online, The Media is the Message, DK
2014 Steadwicks Fall Arcade machine, Makers Fair, DK
2014 The Ratking Arcade machine, FAA prod DK
2017 Demerara - The Pink Day
2017 Bolinas And The Antinet, a day of roleplaying at FAA, DK
2016 The Savage Net, from Søndre Nissum to Klitmøller, DK
2015 Demerara - The Ecstatic Quadrology: Red Static
2015 A Future Scenario, Krop(u)mulig at Syddansk Universitet, DK
2015 Malerspillet, FAA, DK
2017 The Savage Net (Comic)
2016 Save Game, Prism Zine (Zine)
Grants & Contributors
Statens Kunstfond, 2019
Odense International Filmfestival, 2018
Odense Kommune, 2018
Odense Kommune, 2017
Odense Kommune, 2018
Ignition â„…
Killian Ulsamer
Morten Warborg Hansen
Simon Lynn Pedersen
Jakob Nilsson
Nilas Dumstrei
Selected Competences
Role-play Development
Fine Art
Founded in 2014 by Jonas Vang Hansen, Jeppe Jørgensen, Dina Lundvall Nielsen og Oscar Erik Yran