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Loot Cube
Group exhibition
Organon, Odense, Denmark
​​Loot Cube was a Fine Art exhibition where each members of The Gaming Department choose a game that would have explicit connection to the artwork they produced.

There was a time when art and gaming was considered opposites in the public eye; high culture designed to challenge your imagination vs. lowly entertainment designed to keep kids diverted. The Gaming Department adopted the medias of contemporary games and tackled themes and discussions inspired by the ever-expanding gaming culture. Each artwork repressent each a game, whether board-, video- or selfmade game.
Loot Cube was the second group exhibition where The Gaming Department took a moment to open chests and pick out treasures that could be shared with the general population. The exhibition contained prints, video art, a computer game, installations, sculptures and a robe full of eyes.
The exhibition was displayed at Organon, in Odense (DK) 2018.

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